Do you remember the part in the movie Home Alone …. when the entire family oversleeps for their Paris adventure??
My very own NYC adventure began in this exact way. No excuses for oversleeping for a very important day except for the fact that three friends stayed up slumber party style giggling until it was way too late!
It was a big day!! Kellie Carter was Kickin’ It with Kamee June! I had originally planned to visit Kamee in Southern California, but one day an email and text trail led us to start planning our adventure in the Big Apple!
We literally lept out of bed and sprang into action!
It was cRazY!!
Kamee and I whisked off to breakfast while Katrina met and started prepping our gorgeous models for the day!
When we were all ready … the rain had settled in. Not just a little rain .. lots and lots of rain!
No problems! We made the best of our day in every way!
We started out indoors and these are some of my very favorites!
Part Two of my adventure coming up soon!!