Oh sweet Addison! Her parents and I met several years ago when I was doing wedding photography! Her Daddy is an awesome DJ and I loved seeing them at events! When they contacted me about their arrival of their first child I was over the top excited! I knew this would be an amazing session!
When Jason mentioned he wanted to bring some of his DJ equipment my mind start racing and I created this set in my mind! After visiting an ‘antique’ store and acquiring a few vintage records it all started to come together!
This most certainly a composite image that took not only myself, but her Mommy and Daddy’s hands to create this image safely!
I believe she is a natural … don’t you??
Bunny hat created my sweet friend Sarah at : MastersPiecesCrochet
Her crown is a special element her Mommy brought for her!
Vintage tie back by: Sew Whimsey
This was also a very special image requested by her Mommy. I was so nervous about this set up because sometimes babies have different ideas about their session and how it should go! 🙂 It was just like it was meant to be! I simply placed her in her late Grandfather’s helmet and she posed just like this:
Red flower headband by: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MemorableEpiphanies?ref=l2-shopheader-name
Pants set by: http://www.pooksandlulu.bigcartel.com/
Floral Backdrop by: Lemondrop Stop