I could not be any more excited to finally share my new branding!
It has been a long journey for me that has been filled with so many emotions!
Branding and especially re-branding is TOUGH!!! Do not let anyone kid you that it is not! I have definitely laughed and I have most definitely cried during the process, but it has forced me to dig deeper and search for what I truly wanted my brand to represent.
I love it!!
Thank you so much for Corina Nielson Design and Photography for seeing my vision and bringing it life. The path that led me to your doorstop was so meant to be! =]
I feel like I have been on ‘hold’ for so long and now I am so excited that I am searching for where to begin!!!
Also, please note that I am now KellieCarter.com
Purchasing my personal domain name was as exciting to me as my new branding!
It was the first opportunity to acquire it since the launch of my business in 2008. There was no question my site would have a new home when it became available!!!
Thank you so much for visiting!!!
I hope you will bookmark my new site and contine to check in to see what is new!!